Power for Power's Sake
The GOP is No Longer Interested in Governance; It's Only Goal is the Acquisition of Power and Megalomania
There’s really two ways to look at power. There are those that wish to acquire it to help get things done and lead. Then there are those that wish to acquire it so that they alone are the decisionmakers, to the detriment of everyone else. The former is productive, and leads to an overall better society. The latter usually results in tyranny and bad governance.
This week, very stark split screen news events are occurring that should bring into crystal clear focus what the priorities are for the two parties, and their likely Presidential Candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
First, the Senate has been negotiating an Immigration and Border bill to address what many are referencing as a “Crisis at the Border.” “Crisis” would indicate that it is an existential threat to the country and that something should be done. The border is a major issue for Republicans, and Biden recognizes it as a legitimate weakness for his campaign, so the stakeholders have ever reason to negotiate in good faith. In fact, the Democrats have essentially given Republicans a laundry list of everything they have wanted for the past 10 years; limits on asylum, money for border wall, triggers that shut down asylum altogether if too many cross the border asking for it. The entire bill is as if Republicans drafted it. Democrats on the other hand are really getting nothing; they did not include a path to citizenship or Dreamers in it. In fact, the only thing Biden seems to be getting from it is much needed funding for Israel and Ukraine, currently fighting in two separate wars. This bill, would have likely gotten through the Sentate and the House with bipartisan support, something no other Immigration Bill since the 1980s would have done.
Senate Republicans were initially ecstatic; finally something could be done on the border. Then Donald Trump chimed in. Demonstrating all that matters to him is attaining power for power’s sake, Trump announced his opposition to the deal on the grounds that passing it would help Biden in the election. Well, yes, it would. But that’s governance. It shows things getting done. It’s one of the advantages of incumbency. But it’s also what we expect of our leaders. However, faster than you can say “Freedom Caucus” the crazies in the House GOP then announced their opposition to the bill. With the margin for the House GOP at a mere 2 votes, Mike Johnson quickly got the message that he did not have the votes for passage, and wouldn’t dare pass it with Democratic votes. He waved the flag that it had zero chance in the House. If there is one thing politicians don’t ever really do, its put their neck on the line for a bill that has no chance of actually becoming law. The Senate GOP is starting to waver and now it looks like the bill is DOA, probably not even going to receive a vote.
This is distressing in that it finally looked like there would be progress on an issue that we have needed to fix for some time. This kind of negotiation is how government is supposed to work. Congress has an 8%(!) approval rating because nothing gets done; here is an opportunity to get something very consequential done for the American public, everyone (but MAGA) is on the side of passing it and it would be a huge win for everyone involved; and it has no chance of actually getting there. If the “Crisis at the Border” is really that existential a threat, there is zero reason to oppose this bill, particularly when it requires zero compromise on behalf of Republicans at all; they are getting everything they wanted. Not to mention, if Trump gets into office again and submits the exact same bill to Congress, it has zero chance of passage. Why? Because Democratic stakeholders no longer have incentive to get anything done on the issue. They would require a path to citizenship and increased immigration limits as a basis for any deal, something Republicans would not ever agree to. Now is the time to pass it.
The second event is the House GOP beginning Impeachment proceedings against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The reason?
Failing to address the border and enforce border policy.
You couldn’t make this shit up if you tried.
PurpleAmerica’s Obscure Fact of the Day
The last time a sweeping immigration bill passed Congress and was signed by the President, Reagan was in office. He granted amnesty to segments of the immigrant population and standards for immigration that were reasonable. Republicans believed deeply at the time that immigrants were a part of the American story and what made the country exceptional. The bill passed with major bipartisan support.
The biggest opposition at the time was among union Democrats, who were worried about cheap labor taking their jobs and lowering wage standards.
My how the world has changed since then.
PurpleAmerica’s Final Word on the Subject
I think this is a good moment to reflect on what Trump said when he first rode the escalator down to announce his candidacy.
If he was really serious about fixing this problem, then he would have no issue with supporting this bill. The fact he opposes it only shows that he cares only about himself, that he doesn’t want what is good for America and that he is nothing but a selfish megalomaniac.
I can't believe that our politicians (whom we elect and then pay using communal tax dollars!) keep doing this year after year and term after term. And "We", the voting public really don't get much say who gets on the ballot at voting time (thank you Citizen's United! SMH!). This is just absolute crazy and a huge waste of time AND money. Me thinks they need to read the book "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten." Children act better than these morons.