Who is PurpleAmerica?

PurpleAmerica is by a former Capitol Hill staffer who has seen how both sausage and legislation are made. He is for practical policymaking and pragmatic government. He tends to lean center/liberal but is exceptionally frustrated with the rigid ideology of the activist base and their gross overgeneralization of what Republicans are or want. He’s also just flat out opposed to the MAGA movement (America was always “great”) and thinks Republican activism is flat out radical and extreme. Most Americans are in the middle and may empathize with each side on different things, but the way the extremes villainize compromise and moderation is ridiculous in American politics.

What’s more, there is a huge difference between a New York or California Liberal and a Minnesota liberal. There’s a huge gap between a Mississippi Republican and an Ohio Republican. A Democrat in Montana may have more in common with a Republican in Northern California than someone from that state in his own party. We need to have a return to regionalism and get away from this up/down, black/white, red/blue view of America.

I’m also a die hard Packers/Bucks/Brewers fan (although I do also like some other teams). I’m OK with a little ribbing.

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PurpleAmerica has a full time job along with a kid, so while he tries to publish regularly, it may have to be every other day from time to time. Subscribe, share, and like.

Join the crew

I am looking for others who may want to contribute. If you believe the current political discouse in America is too far to the extremes, drop me a comment or email and I’ll be glad to discuss how you can help.

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Bringing America Back from the Edge


Former Capitol Hill Staffer Lifetime pragmatist/moderate Frustrated by Dem leadership and activists, outright hostile to GOP activists and Trump Admin