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The problem I typically have with gun control measures is that they rarely target anything that could prevent the shooting itself. For instance, you mentioned banning 30 round mags but I recall atleast one shooting in a state that had that restriction. All the shooter did was bring more mags, and making your own custom mags wouldn’t be very difficult. Restricting the caliber isn’t particularly helpful either because even a Ruger .22 can cause more damage than you’d think.

The best solutions IMO are ones that make them harder to obtain rather than banning certain features outright. These shootings never involve fully automatic weapons because those are a pain to purchase and the ATF watches their owners like a hawk. If we had the same vigilance for intermediate caliber rifles, or heck maybe any semiauto rifle/pistol, we might get results down the line. Unfortunately it’ll be hard to tell if anything has an effect because so many guns will likely be grandfathered in. Still, we need to try something and making it easier to get guns is about as dumb as making murder legal to lower the murder rate.

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