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I feel it necessary to point out another thing I was wrong about, Barbie.

I had made the comment that I don't think Barbie would do as well as it did and that you would likely see a bump in Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning on the weekend of release. My logic was very simple, boys and young men don't really want to watch Barbie, and this is very much a single demographic appealing film.

I failed to account for two things; 1) people are REALLY starving for comedies right now, particularly ones that are as innocuous as Barbie is, and 2) much like boys will see comic book movies over and over again, so will young girls. I call this the Titanic effect since they single handedly turned Titanic into the largest selling movie of all time. Barbie won't be the largest sellnig movie of all time, but it's already passed a billion worldwide and has been a HUGE hit, the biggest of the year so far.

Mea Culpa. We can't always be perfect in our predictions.

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