Here we are, the day of the first GOP debate of the 2024 election cycle. Once again, this is BrewerBritt filling in for PurpleAmerica on the ground in Milwaukee. The election is 14 months and change away and we are less than four months from when the first votes in the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire Primaries1 occur. Reading PurpleAmerica’s earlier breakdown likening this to a horse race, I’d say we’ve come out of the first turn and are now in the back stretch.2 Once we pass Labor Day, it will be an all out sprint to the final turn and the primaries.
Now, the plan for today was to get some local commentary on the GOP debate, the candidates, the issues, etc. However, in Milwaukee, that is kind of problematic. You see, even though there are pockets of conservatism in this city, the overwhelming majority of it is liberal. VERY liberal. I have been met with my share of side eyes, shaking heads and even some profanities when asking people about the Republican Party. One gets the first impression anyone rightward of AOC may be too conservative, but people here and around downtown Milwaukee generally seem to be liking the job Joe Biden is doing and wouldn’t mind seeing four more years of “Dark Brandon.” That doesn’t help trying to get a Republican Point of View of things.
So sticking around close to where the festivities are (since I’m not driving out to Waukesha or Ozaukee at this point), you don’t know whether what is being told to you is honest, or spin from one of the campaigns. Some of it you can pick out quickly, others are a little more ambiguous. Nonetheless, here is what I’ve been able to scrunge through Tuesday evening regarding feedback from those around the hotels and the Fiserv Forum. This is far from scientific and overall, I asked about 100 people over the course of a few hours on Monday and Tuesday evenings, mostly around Happy Hour time while having a Spotted Cow or two (or three) and some cheese curds.
Who are you supporting?
Interestingly, we had about a 33/33/34 split, between Trump, someone else and “don’t know yet.” Of the “someone elses”, here is the order of finish:
Christie (!?!)
DeSantis (?!?!?)
It would seem Christie bashing Trump early has helped him with the “anyone but Trump” crowd. I genuinely don’t think he’s that far ahead, just that of the non-Trump crowd his supporters seeemed more definitive and less “I don’t know”ish. I’ll add there was a huge drop between #1 and #2 too. Scott, Haley and Pence were all bunched together and if I asked for another hour I might have gotten another order on those. Support for them was more tepid and uncertain. Not sure Vivek is as widely known yet as people think. Desantis way down low though? That was a bit of a shock. Nobody said Hutchinson or Borghum.
What are the most important issues?
The feedback on these can be summed up in three groups: “Biden,” “Trump,” and “[insert actual issue here].” Collectively, it was a mishmash (people seldom say just one issue) but everyone seemed to agree “We need to beat Biden” then “[we need Trump/ we need anyone BUT Trump]” and then finally “to fix [issue.]” It was disheartening how Mad Lib-ish scripted this seemed to be. Kind of like responding monolithically to the mantra of Fox News and all you had to do was fill in the blank lines.
Who are you looking forward to watching tonight?
Scott/Haley (tied)
Those were the only four, with the exception of the few who acknowledged they were going to watch Trump and Tucker on Twitter/X instead of the Debate.
Again, Christie did REALLY well with the anti-Trump people. They seem to be itching for someone to go after Trump and think Christie can do it. Interestingly, Tim Scott and Nikki Haley did well with the “Trump” people. In total, the Scott/Haley total edged the Christie total by only 2. They seem to like them both; who knows, if Trump can’t run or pulls out that might pay dividends for either. What was even more interesting is that the people who wanted to see DeSantis were 1) Trump people and 2) wanted to see it in a NEGATIVE way, hoping he fails miserably. Based on what I am seeing here in Milwaukee, DeSantis is REALLY not liked at all.
Should Trump Go To Jail?
No 2:1 over Yes.
(Uh huh, I know).
If Trump was found to have done something illegal, should a GOP President pardon him?
This was about 4:1, Yes, including many anti-Trumpers.
Regardless of who wins, who would you like to see as Vice President?
Tim Scott (overwhelming favorite, across all groups)
Michael Flynn (favored only among Trump supporters, but strongly)
Nikki Haley (way back).
No one else mentioned
It was fascinating to me how popular Scott was as a VP candidate but not Haley. When prodded on follow up it seemed to be related to practicality; a political ploy to entice African-American Democratic voters to vote GOP. Scott seems to be a consensus #2 or #3 pick among the candidates.
And there you have it. That’s it from the ground in Milwaukee. See you on the other side of the Debate.
PurpleAmerica’s Cultural Corner
I mentioned yesterday that “DeSantis Debate Bingo” was going around the GOP groups here. It was a funny joke for a day, however, it’s kind of waned since then and either that means DeSantis’ response has been effective or everyone’s keeping their powder dry for the debate. It’ll be fun to see what happens.
Nonetheless, PurpleAmerica does have available DEBATE BINGO CARDS for anyone who wants to play! All you have to do is 1) become a subscriber, and 2) Email PurpleAmerica will forward you a copy of your debate bingo card for this evening! Just linke Bingo, 75 possible entries, thousands of possible combinations.
Fun for the whole family!
PurpleAmerica’s Obscure Fact of the Day
I found this awhile back and thought I would share. Yes, I get that Wisconsin place names can be hard for outsiders. Watching these Texans try and do it though always cracks me up. My favorite has always been Oconomowoc.
PurpleAmerica’s Final Word on the Subject
It’s been a pleasure covering the debate this week from a local perspective. PurpleAmerica will be back tomorrow with no doubt a recap. Hopefully, he’ll let me take the reins again sometime.
—BrewerBritt, Out.
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Footnotes and Fun Stuff
My favorite little trivia is always that tiny Dixville Notch N.H. is always the first primary in America to complete its count. It usually only has a dozen voters and they close like thirty minutes after 12:01 A.M. on that election Tuesday.
You can find PA’s analysis here, which he seemed to have done back in June. (I think it’s time to update that PA).
These are mostly Native American names, no? And thus are transcriptions - shouldn’t have been that difficult, people. Or maybe I’ve just listened to enough Charlie Sykes in the last few years. Watching people attempt Massachusetts (which are mostly British) town names is funnier.