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Damn dude. This is largely why I pulled my sub from The Bulwark.

Furthermore, they are really good at lampooning the idiocy from the right, but I am not seeing any evidence that they are "growing" the cohort that will cross over to prevent a Trump re-instalation in the Presidency.

Sure, I like the digs, and JVL is my brother from another mother (except he has a pathological hatred of Obama that he hints at but never elucidates), but I get the sense that the bulk of them would go back for a MAGA light candidate even.

I get that it makes them feel good, and they seem to have a large cohort of center-left subscribers who are helping fund this effort of theirs, but stepping back, are they making a difference or feeding their egos? Empirical evidence is that MAGA is stronger than ever, that the "normies" are not really normal, and the handful of R's who consistently speak truth are relegated to the ash bin of history, no chance to ever enter the circles of power.

At least The Lincoln Project is actively poking the hornet's nest with their ads, but I doubt that they have that much tangible effect.

Now I am thoroughly depressed.

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