My Fellow Americans,
I really don’t know what to say. It isn’t often that the country is run by such an incompetent boob that he has no sense of what is going on in the world, how to consider the lives of Americans before himself, nor what 2+2 is. I’d say he had his head up his ass but that would imply that he has a brain to put it there in the first place. Alas, this is what happens when we re-elect the dumbest motherfucker ever to set foot in the White House.1
Like a bratty toddler, the President cries about all the petty grievances and moral outrages he has to live with. His insecurity and thin skinned attitude make him perhaps the worst possible person ever to be considered President, much less be President. He gripes about how unfair past administrations were towards him, and how he is railing against hard working federal employees for doing their jobs. He sheds crocodile tears over having to appear in court and face charges, for which he was convicted of felonies in NY and very likely would have been convicted in Federal Court as well. It’s called the law, and enforcement of the law, dumbass. It’s what we all deal with every day, yet he has never once had to pay the consequences for breaking.
It goes without saying that President Trump is dismantling any possible authority that can say “no” to him. He has already completely shattered the spine of the Republican Party to his will; apparently they prefer being doormats and bootlickers than, you know, actual legislators worthy of their positions. Trump is now undoing a legislative and regulatory framework originally designed to say that no person is above the law. He is eradicating decades of law designed to prevent corruption, maintain law and order, and ensure fairness for the betterment of society. But Donald Trump doesn’t believe in any of those things. He thinks of himself as above the law. He thinks there should not be any authority that holds him to account, which by the way includes the voters of the United States. He thinks fairness is for suckers, and that he should be above everything that is fair; that the playing table should be always skewed towards him, and that everyone wanting to play bow and grovel for the opportunity.
You know how you can tell he is so full of shit? Because of how hypocritical he is of everything. He talks tough about crime, and drugs, and how fentanyl is coming across the borders and how we should go to war with the cartels, then he pardons the single biggest drug criminal of the 21st century. He talks about how DOJ officials ENFORCING THE LAW were actually “weaponizing the DOJ” while he actively tries to have lifelong nonpolitical civil service employees at the DOJ fired for doing their jobs. He talks about cutting waste, fraud and abuse at agencies, but then fires the Inspectors General of them, whose purpose is to cut out waste, fraud and abuse. He’s so full of shit that I’ve seen day care diaper trash cans will less shit in it.
It’s because he genuinely doesn’t care one iota of any of you. Do you really think he’s someone you can have a beer with? He wouldn’t spend more than five seconds with you if he didn’t have to. Do you really think he cares about the price of eggs? He doesn’t even know how much eggs cost. He’s a billionaire, he can afford them. He basically almost got into a trade war with Colombia over immigration flights— you think the price of eggs were bad, wait until the price of coffee doubles or triples. Americans can tolerate a pricier omelet, but wait until that latte costs $20 and Folgers goes through the roof.
He’s a cowardly troll, craven and bloviating. Right now, I guarantee that he’s just itching to get on his phone and post rants and tweets about people (including me) completely mocking him right now. He’s posting on his hackneyed social media page about how unfair everyone is towards him. Like a schoolyard prick he is going to add in some cockamamie version of “But whatabout…?” this or that. He’s going to make up some inane nickname that will motivate his followers to follow up with schoolyard taunts. He’s going to cry like the little whiny brat that he is. And none of it is going to help you the American public.
But this is serious. Donald Trump is already ruining United States’ standing in the world. We crow about “American Exceptionalism” but Trump is undoing all of that. The international order we created and succeeded in over the past 80 years is crumbling because of a nepotistic bankrupt real estate billionaire wills it to be so. He alienates our allies. He undoes sound diplomacy. He holds grudges against our friends he feels don’t flatter him enough. He cozies up to dictators and despots that he envies. And what has he given you? An atmosphere where Nazi salutes are common and normalized and people who beat the shit out of Capitol Hill police officers on 1/6 are glorified and pardoned. If the rest of the world sees America trending in a dark direction, there’s a reason for it.
All of this, while the reputation of America declines under his watch. The consequences of his actions are going to put the United States in a hole for the next century, and it will be a difficult climb to get out of. I think it’s important to remind him of one thing— “America always was great, asshole. Quit tearing it down.”
Donald Trump is just a schoolyard bully, a pretty piss poor one at that. He tries to shake people down for milk money, complains about how the teachers are against him and how he shouldn’t have to go to the principal’s office and cracks jokes and snide comments from the back of the room while everyone else tries to get through their days. The only people who look up to him are the ones more insecure than he is. To everyone else, he’s just a pain in the ass who get’s in the way of whatever it is you are trying to do. Everyone knows how to beat a bully— you confront him, stand up to him, and beat the snot out of him.
That nobody has until this point says more about us than it does him. Well that all stops now.
From this day forward until his last day in office, we are making it our goal to hold Donald Trump to account. We simply cannot survive as a society where the bully is put in charge of the school, to bend teachers and students alike to his will. Trump likes to praise the January 6th Insurrectionists in the act of a coup d’etat as patriots, yet theirs was the least patriotic thing you can do in a democracy— prevent the legal and legitimate transfer of power. Trump is changing the government, appointing apparatchiks, removing civil service employees only to stock the agencies with MAGA adherents, all for the goal of taking over our country. He intends to reward those that support this endeavor, and punish those who don’t. THIS is the cause for which our forefather patriot relatives were fighting against. It was the cause our ancestors fought against a British monarch. It was the cause our grandparents and great-grandparents fought against in Europe and the Pacific 80 years ago. It is the cause to which we stood up to tyranny during the Cold War and continue to stand up to today.
There are three guiding principles that we will adhere to for the next four years:
Donald Trump must be stopped, or at least corralled, by the strength of public opinion. It is the only thing he listens to, and the only check on his power. That means taking intelligent and practical positions that appeal across the political spectrum, not just to select groups. That means specifically talking to those that voted for him, and demonstrating to them that Trump is the worst possible person to be running the country. It means showing them their situations are declining, not improving. It means speaking to them in a way that does not cast blame or make them feel lesser, but bringing them around to realize they can do better than Donald J. Fucking Trump.
Our institutions need strengthening as Trump tries to tear them down. We will support the existing processes and institutions in securing itself from the onslaught. We will stand up to any instance of where Trump seeks to ravage the civil service and redefine governance in a way that only serves him over the American public. We will speak up, support and redirect you to stories doing just this. If you are a civil service worker for the Federal Government, we are behind you 100%; keep up the good fight and keep us informed of what is going on.
We will remain committed to American hegemony and exceptionalism in our foreign affairs; Ronald Reagan referred to America as a “Shining City on a Hill” and others around the world look to us to be a beacon and standard bearer for democracy around the globe. We intend to maintain that standing, regardless of what Trump says and tries to do. The more he withdraws from the world, the more the world passes us by; we can’t let that happen.
This in no way means that we are advocating specifically for Democrats for this cause. What it does mean is that we will not have a liberal democracy anymore, a nation of ideas that are debated and discussed, until Trump is stopped; we’ll have an illiberal one run by a strongman (who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Republicans really) tearing apart the institutions of what makes this country great. If he succeeds, we won’t have any recourse neither, so when things go sideways, there will be no way to change them. Our goal, and our purpose, is to prevent the United States from reaching that point. In this both us and Democrats’ interests are aligned. We will continue to distinguish between the values that PurpleAmerica has, and those advocated by Democrats that we disagree with.
Because if we fail, the values that made this country great, and the shared principles we all agreed to live by in that compact called the Constitution no longer exists.
Join Us. Subscribe. Forward. Contribute. It’s time to rally the masses.
Forever American,
PurpleAmerica’s Obscure Fact of the Day
Trump’s grades were never released from his schools; he went out of his way to fight disclosure of them during his campaign with Hillary Clinton.
PurpleAmerica’s Final Word on the Subject
Principal Victoria from South Park says it best in this clip here. Just substitute Trump for Eric Cartman…
Footnotes and Fun Stuff
I’ll add it does not speak well of us Americans that we were given this choice and selected the worst possible choice imaginable. Twice.