All I want for Christmas is to read all of the crazy emails you get. I bet they are hilarious!

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Some of them can be. For fun, here was another one from last week:

"How can you sit there and support Third Parties and carry Trump's water like that? I mean, are you so f**king stupid that you don't realize that voting for any Third Party is going to elect the Orange Doofus? You and your "purple" friends are all tools. A bunch of homophobic, racist, misogynistic, evangelical tools." Yada yada yada. I quit reading after the first couple paragraphs. I mean, when they are as far off the mark as that, there really is no point in reading more than that.

My response was one sentence: "Please point out to me where I encouraged anyone to vote for a Third Party." I still haven't heard back.

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That is just incredible.

Maybe they didn't read the article you wrote about Biden's accomplishments. Or the one about MAGA being a cult. Or the one where you said that people need to come together to support Biden. Or the 30 times you have gone out of your way to call out Trump for being an idiot. Or literally any article that you've ever written...

People are fascinating.

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To be fair, I get good emails too. The best ones are from middle of the country progressives lamenting that they have to compromise but not wanting to do so. They genuinely worry about how close this election is going to be and they respect what I'm saying, particularly to the more hardcore activists on the coasts. They see what they are dealing with every day and know what I'm saying and why.

But you can really tell the ones who just read the headlines and go on a rant.

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