Interesting read as always; you cover a few different topics and I usually come away with a bit of new information . That was also a good attempt of explaining basic supply and demand economics. I suspect many of the respondents are upset that our modern regulatory system seems to have resulted in a tremendous concentration of wealth accruing to a fairly small number of large corporations, and justifiable anger at the percentage of those annual profits that corporate taxes are actually being paid on. Most complicated tax codes in history, innumerable loopholes and tax accounting game rules to reduce federal taxes as much as possible, and then to reward the grossly, nearly 'kingly' overpaid executives even more with some of those evaded tax savings, and extra share compensation from the increased 'after tax' profits raising the stock price on their options. I don't know the answer, and they obviously don't either, but we all have uniquely different economic issues, and there is definitely some merit in noting the inequities in the way one political party outright refuses to ever address the underlying tax structure to protect the already rich while screaming from the hilltops that there can never be any relief for another group that borrowed indiscriminately for what they were told was their best chance for a future at a time when they were too young and inexperienced to be discriminating.
Interesting read as always; you cover a few different topics and I usually come away with a bit of new information . That was also a good attempt of explaining basic supply and demand economics. I suspect many of the respondents are upset that our modern regulatory system seems to have resulted in a tremendous concentration of wealth accruing to a fairly small number of large corporations, and justifiable anger at the percentage of those annual profits that corporate taxes are actually being paid on. Most complicated tax codes in history, innumerable loopholes and tax accounting game rules to reduce federal taxes as much as possible, and then to reward the grossly, nearly 'kingly' overpaid executives even more with some of those evaded tax savings, and extra share compensation from the increased 'after tax' profits raising the stock price on their options. I don't know the answer, and they obviously don't either, but we all have uniquely different economic issues, and there is definitely some merit in noting the inequities in the way one political party outright refuses to ever address the underlying tax structure to protect the already rich while screaming from the hilltops that there can never be any relief for another group that borrowed indiscriminately for what they were told was their best chance for a future at a time when they were too young and inexperienced to be discriminating.